Vivo Start

No. d'article VR 112 20
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Calf Starter Vivo Start 20 kg is the unique start feed for calves from 0 to 10 weeks and has the following advantages: tasty supplement of necessary vitamins and minerals, focus on rapid feed intake, optimal rumen development, extra stimulation of the formation of the rumen papilla, contains
Zak 20 kg
€ 13,25
prix par Zak 20 kg
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Calf Starter Vivo Start 20 kg

is the unique start feed for calves from 0 to 10 weeks and has the following advantages: tasty supplement of necessary vitamins and minerals, focus on rapid feed intake, optimal rumen development, extra stimulation of the formation of the rumen papilla, contains high-quality and easily digestible proteins and is a high quality feed.

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